Sunday, 27 June 2010


So, Thursday was Mom's birthday and we had lots of fun :) Its funny because Mom has presents for me for HER birthday. Hehe.
Yesterday we played in the garden LOTS!

Today we went for one of our long countryside walks. We stopped by the big ponds and looked at the ducks. Some ducks and their babies came right over to me!! Then we stopped by the cress pools to look for pond life. I don't like the water at the cress ponds very much but Mom likes to stop by them as she says they smell like the sea. Hmmm... Mom says I smell like the sea too but I think I smell better than the cress pools.
We then went back to the car which was parked under the trees, so it was nice and cool. We opened the doors, put my water bowl out and we relaxed for about half an hour. I fell asleep on Mom who was eating an ice lolly. I then got a few crusts of bread with gravy on them, as Dad was eating a hot pork sandwich. Yum!
On the way home, I sat on Moms knee and she held me tight and I put my nose out of the window :)

When we got back home, Mom went out shopping :(
When she got back she had holiday clothes for all three of us. Dad got tshirts and trousers, Mom got trousers/shorts, tshirts and a bikini!! MOST IMPORTANTLY..... I got a white tshirt with a blue shark on it (Mom needs to 'take in' this one a little), and I also got a white vest with a crab on the front! I like my new holiday clothes :)

Swayze xxx

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Some Photographs of Me.

This is me in my kitchen. Mom always asks me to pose, so I do my best. Its hard work though. Afterwards to do get a treat.

Playing in the garden. I have a lovely garden, which I share with my Rabbit and Guinea Pig sisters and brothers. I like to zoom around the garden as fast as I can. I also like to chase the birds (although my Mom tells me this is naughty!?!).

Sometimes Mom gets bored, so my hair gets plaited!! Sometimes I think she forgets I'm a BOY! I don't mind though, as the attention makes me fall to sleep.

I have lots of friends at the Chinese Crested Crush dog forum. They even included me in their January 2010 collage!
You can see me in the bottom left corner.
That was on one of my walks in the snow. I liked trying to eat the snow (but Mom said that this was also naughty!!) - when we got in from the snow, Mom would warm up my cold little feets, then I would eat my breakfast or dinner.

Here is Me in my garden. I am modelling my first K9 Closet collar. Its a 'Smoothie Tag Collar' - My name and mobile number is embroidered on it in white. Its soooo soft around my delicate neck.

All of these photos have been taken within the last 6 months, some are newer than others. Mom said it would be a good idea to post some, so that people know who I am.

I shall speak to you all soon.

Swayze Doglett.

Saturday, 19 June 2010


Hello everyone!
My name is Swayze. You can read a little about me in my profile. I live in the UK with my Mom and Dad and my rabbit and guinea pig brothers and sisters. Me and my family have decided that I would start off my own blog and gain and more friends. I would like my friends to know all about my adventures.

My Mom is called Abi and she loves me (and Dad). She feeds me, walks me, picks out my clothes when its cold, she bathes me, gives me treats, buys me things, makes me collars. She loves animals, photography, reading, seeing friends and family. She also takes lots of courses, she has just taken an exam and finished one course, now she has started a Dog Grooming course.

My Dad is called Joe. He loves me too (and Mom). He feeds me treats, takes me in the garden during the day. He runs around with me (Mom can't run too fast as she has asthma) :( Dad works at home, so at about 4pm I am bored of him, so I curl up on the sofa in the front room and wait for Mom to get home from work.... then I zoom around her.

We are all going on holiday in a few weeks. We are going camping for a whole week. Mom says I can't wee in the tent!! Whats the tent? We will be going to the beach and all sorts. Ive never seen the Sea, but Mom says I smell like the Sea, so maybe I will like it :)

Anyway, Mom says that this is just supposed to be a little 'hello' blog, as we will be using this blog alot from now on.

Hope to make lots of friends.

Bye for now.

Swayze Doglett.
